Case Studies

We invite you to explore a collection of real-world success stories and discover how we've partnered with our clients to overcome challenges in patient recruitment.

How we deliver results


We Recruted 50k patients


Over 175 therapeutic areas


2X faster delivery time


2X faster delivery time


Cost efficient

Case Studies 1

Reaching Rare Disease Patients for [Pharma Company D]

The Challenge:
A pharmaceutical company needed to recruit 10,000 volunteers for a Phase 3 COVID Vaccine study within a strict two-month deadline. The additional challenge was that no compensation amount could be offered to the volunteers. And due to time constraints, the client couldn't provide any creative materials for advertising.

Our Solution:
To tackle this challenge, our specialists adopted a multi-faceted strategy. Given the urgency and ambitious recruitment goal, we leveraged a wide range of traffic sources, including Facebook, Google Search and Display network, TikTok, Snap, Pinterest, Taboola, Yahoo, and Bing. Initially, the budget was evenly distributed across all platforms. After a week of rigorous testing and data analysis, we identified the most effective channels. Subsequently, we allocated 60% of the budget to Facebook, recognizing its potency in generating referrals. To address the compensation issue, we quickly developed persuasive ad creatives highlighting the study's significance.

The Result:
In just six weeks, we successfully recruited a total of 11,400 referrals, surpassing the initial target by a substantial margin. This remarkable achievement demonstrated the effectiveness of an agile approach in addressing time-sensitive and challenging recruitment projects.

Case Studies 2

Overcoming Cultural Barriers for [Pharma Company E]

The Challenge:
The client presented us with a 24-month study that was already 13 months in, but they were falling behind on enrollment. Despite their efforts, they struggled to keep up with the study schedule to recruit the required number of participants.

Our Solution:
After a thorough study analysis, we identified weaknesses in the enrollment process. We decided to revamp the landing and screener pages due to poor usability and lead journey, which was causing a significant traffic drain. Our team created and obtained IRB approval for new creatives and launched new campaigns on Facebook, Snap, and TikTok. Running these campaigns and collecting data allowed us to utilize our unique machine learning algorithm and create lookalike audiences, enabling us to find referrals quickly and at a lower cost than anticipated. We also implemented a call tracking platform to improve communication at the call center, which led to a 12% increase in the referral rate.

The Result:
As a result, we completed the study three months ahead of schedule, exceeding the initial volunteer target by 116%. Even more importantly, we identified and resolved weaknesses in the funnel, including issues with the call center's effectiveness, to ensure the client wouldn't encounter similar challenges in the future.

Case Studies 3

Optimizing Retention for [Pharma Company F]

The Challenge:
The client approached us with the task of creating landing and screener pages and driving traffic for their study, specifically recruiting 1,200 females with breast cancer within a 21-week timeframe.

Our Solution:
Leveraging our unique UX/UI approach, we designed funnels that achieved a 35% higher conversion rate than the client had anticipated. By utilizing Facebook as our primary advertising platform, we were able to effectively target the right audience for the study.

The Result:
As a result of our strategic approach, we successfully delivered the required number of referrals within just 16 weeks, surpassing the initial 21-week target. Furthermore, our cost per referral was 38% lower than what the client had originally aimed for, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of our campaign.

Our Approach



Data Analysis
